C. Course Goals Workbook
One of the things I love to do is set goals. It helps to keep me on track with whatever I’m trying to achieve in life – personally and/or professionally.
At the end of this page, you’ll find a downloadable workbook that will help you “begin with the end in mind,” so to speak, so you reach all of your self-publishing goals.
Be sure to download it and fill it out before you begin this course. Then, refer back to it often. This way, you can track your progress.
I created this workbook because I’ve learned over the years that many are the most enthusiastic about a course (or any new project) when they first start it.
Then enthusiasm can wane as you get into the “meat and potatoes” of doing the work.
Worksheets, Workbooks & Contracts
The workbook will help you stay focused on your self-publishing goals as you work your way through the material. So be sure to dowload it and use it.
In fact, there are numerous worksheets and workbooks in this course. Printing them out and putting them in a binder will be a valuable resource as you being your self-publishing journey.
Again, welcome to the course. I hope to see you "in class." Good luck achieving your self-publishing goals.
Module II: How to Validate Your Info Product Idea
Speaking of “meat and potatoes,” in Module II, we’re going to get down to work.
P.S.: Have an Idea for a Non-Fiction Info Product (Book, Course, Etc.)?
In Module II, you'll learn how to "validate it," ie, determine if it will make money, or flop. So click on through (enroll in the full course first).