How to Make Money Promoting This Course
One of the easiest ways to make money online is to promote something you believe in.
Share & Earn
As a course participant, simply sharing what you've learned, how it helped you and why you think it would be good for others is all you have to do to promote this course.
Promote without Taking the Class
Even if you don't enroll in the course, you can still promote it. It's an ideal product to add to your site if you're a freelance writer, web designer, proofreader, editor, etc. Instructions on how to do so are provided below.
Earn Almost $225 for Each Sale
Earn a 30% commission for each course you sell! I do all the work; you do all the earning -- and it's as simple as sharing. Read on to learn how to earn as an affiliate.
How to Become an Affiliate
Step 1: Enroll in Inkwell Editorial's School.
Do this by going to, and clicking the link in the graphic just below. Don't worry, you are NOT paying for anything. You're just, in essence, creating an account on Teachable. This gives you access to thousands of courses you can promote, by the way.
Step 2: Wait for email containing your affiliate link.
Once you enroll, I'll automatically set you up an affiliate account and email you your affiliate link. FYI, you'll be able to promote every course in Inkwell Editorial's school with this one link.
Step 3: Start promoting.
It's that simple.
10 Tried-and-True Promotional Ideas
1. Write a benefits-oriented blog post: You can tout the benefits of working from home; the possibility to live/work from anywhere; the ability to earn as much as you want; job security (eg, no worries about being laid off or fired); the ability to make money as a stay-at-home mom, retiree, or college student; etc.
2. Subscribers: Announce it to your newsletter subscribers.
3. Social media: Post it to your social media accounts (BTW, one that gets a lot of bang -- a LOT! -- is Pinterest. Note: Learn how to start driving traffic to your site/affiliate marketing products and services using Pinterest.
4. Interview: You can send me interview questions and I'll get my answers back to you -- usually within 2-3 days.
5. Bonus: Add a bonus of your own to make it more enticing, eg, an ebook, an e-course, a video course, a special report, etc.
6. Bundle: Bundle/pair it with an existing product of your own (be sure to account for costs of each).
7. Offer discounts: If you have a compatible target audience and a sizable following on social media or newsletter subscribers, ask me about special coupons and/or discounts. I'm sure we can work something out.
8. YouTube Video: YouTube is one of the most popular sites on the web, with over a billion users — almost one-third of all people on the Internet. Every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views.
A simple video explaining why you think the course can help new freelance writers get up and going quickly, or help more experienced ones gain a new outlet for their services (ie, using Upwork), would be ideal.
9. Podcast: Podcasts are all the rage these days. Doing one discussing how mobile careers are taking off, and how freelance writing is the perfect mobile career because all you need is a laptop and an internet connection is one way to discuss this course.
10. Webinar: See idea above. You could do one on how to become a digital nomad, featuring freelance writing as one career option that's very suitable for this lifestyle.
BONUS TIP: Earn on Autopilot
Add it to your email sequence if you have one (if not, now's a good time to create one); that way it'll consistently be visible to new and old readers of your blog.
And, thanks for being an affiliate. :)
Have You Taken Any of My Courses or Bought Any of My Ebooks?
If you have, you're an ideal affiliate because you know the material! You know the quality provided. Again, you'd make an ideal affiliate.
I'm available for an interview to help you promote. Send me your questions and I'll get them back to you within 2-3 days. I'm also available for podcasts.
Hope to see you in the affiliate portal.
P.S.: A Fun, Unique Way to Make Money as a Writer
One of the most creative ways I earn as a freelance writer is developing and selling ecourses (like this one). You'd be amazed at just how much money is in ecourse development.
One month, I earned almost $18,000 in ecourse sales. Over $6,000 of that came in one day. See? And this is growing. Note: Click images for larger view.
In "How to Create an Ecourse," I outline EXACTLY how to go about creating and developing your first ecourse. Remember to use coupon/discount code SEOCourseStud, to get 50% off this course.
Creating ecourses is a lot of work, I'm not gonna lie. I mean -- a LOT of work. But it is so rewarding. And not for nothing, e-learning is growing like crazy; just google "elearning is growing" to see what I mean. That makes this a highly lucrative way to make money as a writer -- practically on autopilot.
And, as Inkwell Editorial use an open cart / closed cart method for enrolling students, this means you can earn big chunks of money at one time. See #10 in this post for why this is so effective in increasing sales.
Happy promoting!